Bryan Hall clock tower sunset.

About Us

The David G. Pollart Center for Arts and Humanities springs from earlier efforts to establish a center that supported humanistic research. Expanding this idea to include both the arts and humanities, a group of faculty from architecture, English, fine arts, history, music, philosophy, and the School of Languages, Cultures and Race designed a proposal to create a center that supported not only traditional forms of scholarly and creative work but also the sort of publicly-engaged work that characterizes a land-grant university. This vision subsequently garnered support from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Research, the Graduate School, the WSU Libraries, and the Office of the President, all of which believe that the arts and humanities are vital to the health and vitality not only of our institution but also our society. The center was formally approved by the WSU Board of Regents in May 2019.

Center activities are coordinated by a director who is jointly appointed by the dean of the College of the Arts and Sciences and the vice president of research. The director is supported by an advisory board, as well as other faculty who participate in the planning and selection for the center’s scholarships, fellowships, and public programming. Faculty interested in participating more directly in the operations of the Center are encouraged to contact us via email.

David G. Pollart Center for Arts and Humanities Leadership

  • Trevor J. Bond
    CAH Director
    Interim Dean, Washington State University Libraries
  • Chris Dickey
    CAH Associate Director
    Associate Professor of Tuba and Euphonium
    School of Music
  • Sara Brock
    CAH Graduate Research Assistant
    PhD Student in Rhetoric and Composition, Department of English

Advisory Board

  • Donna M. Campbell
    Department of English
    (Fall 2022–Spring 2025)
  • Kim Christen
    Associate Vice President
    Associate Vice Chancellor (Pullman)
    Office of Research Advancement & Partnerships
    (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
  • Lawrence Hatter
    Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of History
    (Fall 2024-Spring 2027)
  • Desiree Hellegers
    Department of English (Vancouver Campus)
    (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
  • Erin Hvizdak
    Humanities Librarian
    WSU Libraries
    (Fall 2021-Spring 2024)
  • Becky James
    Research Development Manager
    College of Arts and Sciences
  • Stephany Runninghawk Johnson
    Assistant Professor
    Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education (CSSTE)
    (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
  • Jolie B Kaytes
    Professor and Program Head
    Landscape Architecture
    School of Design and Construction
    (Fall 2022–Spring 2025)
  • Melissa Parkhurst
    Associate Professor
    School of Music
    (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
  • Reza Safavi
    Associate Professor
    Department of Art
    (Fall 2021-Spring 2024)
  • Nishant Shahani
    Associate Professor
    Department of English and Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Vancouver Campus)
    (Fall 2024-Spring 2027)
  • Matt Stichter
    Associate Professor
    School of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs
    (Fall 2020-Spring 2023)
  • Sophia Tegart
    Assistant Professor
    School of Music
    (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)