Spring Seminar Series for the First-Generation Graduate Students

The David G. Pollart Center for Arts and Humanities (DGPCAH) at WSU is organizing its Spring Seminar Series for the First-Generation Graduate Students at WSU for 2024. The objective of this series is to provide First-Gen grad students and/or First-Gen international grad students (international students who are first in their families to attend college or international students who are first in their families to come to the US to attend college) with a space where they can share the challenges that they are facing in graduate school. Each seminar will be facilitated by a couple of first-generation graduate students who are currently at an advanced level in their graduate careers. For each seminar, we will also invite faculty members from different departments who were First-Gen graduate students. The facilitators will share their experiences of navigating graduate school, share resources, and answer the questions that the participating First-Gen graduate students will have. In addition, we hope that these meetings will help the First-Gen students at WSU build a community across disciplines.

We are planning to meet 4-5 times during the Spring semester for 2-hour informal discussions with our panel of facilitators. The tentative schedule is 4:00-6:00 on Fridays (February 2, 9, 16, 23, and March 1). We will also provide dinner to all the participants. Please note that there is NO COST for participating in this series.

If you are a First-Gen graduate student and/or First-Gen international graduate student and want to participate in this seminar series, please complete this Qualtrics Survey by Tuesday, 16 January 2024 so that we can design our seminars based on the areas that you want us to address.

Please email at arts.humanities@wsu.edu if you have any questions.